The academic success centers present Exam Jam to help you prepare for your upcoming exams.
Find extra tutoring, writing help, study workshops, and other resources to help you succeed, all available at no cost to UMN students.
TASC Peer Tutoring
Prepare for your tests by spending time with a peer tutor! Additional tutoring hours are now available.
Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE)
MCAE tutors are available to help you prepare for your exams. Schedule your session now!
Student Writing Support
Writing consultations are available to help refine papers. Schedule an appointment before times fill up, and be sure to check regularly for the possibility of new and same-day appointments in the event of cancellations or rescheduling.
Academic Skills Coaching
Meet with a Coach for advice on time management, stress management, and more.
Peer Research Consultants
Get help on your research with a Peer Research Consultant!
University Libraries Help
Schedule a virtual meeting with a librarian to get advanced research help.
Learn how to edit your video or media project with an online media consultation.
UMN Libraries Workshops
Free workshops for UMN students are offered between now and the end of the semester.
Work through online activities to get tips to help you enhance a variety of academic skills, including time management, stress management, improving concentration and memory, boosting study habits, and preparing for exams.
Student English Language Support
SELS consultations are available to help international, undergraduate students develop English skills leading up to papers, presentations, applications, and more.
Destress Activities
PAWS (Pet away worries and stress)
Take a break and spend time with registered therapy animals. Check out the PAWS calendar for specific details on dates, times, and location.
Mindful Mondays
Free workshops through the University of Minnesota's Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing. Topics include yoga, qigong, and more.
Mental health resources
Support your mental health by connecting with the many resources available to UMN students.